Entries by Debbie Howard

Assisted Living PPC Management: 3 Reasons You Should Work with an Agency

You might think, “Assisted living PPC management—how hard can it be?” Below, we provide three compelling reasons why working with an experienced agency like Senior Living SMART makes sense for all your paid advertising needs. 1. We do ppc management every day. You could try managing your assisted living PPC campaigns on your own. The […]

The Non-Linear Customer Journey in Senior Living Marketing

When marketers discuss the prospect’s journey, they often talk about three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. In senior living, you must also consider three other stages: whether, where, and when. Below, we dive deeper into each stage, including how they should influence your senior living marketing efforts. The “whether” stage In the “whether” stage, prospects […]

3 Senior Living Marketing Analytics Every COO Should Know

As a senior living COO, you’ve been tasked with overseeing the daily operations of your communities. You work closely with leadership at all levels, capital partners, vendors and suppliers. You are responsible for developing and executing a clear operational plan that often includes a multi-year vision for your organization. You likely have a keen financial […]