Entries by Debbie Howard

Developing Buyer Personas: Common Mistakes to Avoid

In our last blog post, we talked about what buyer personas are—and how to create effective ones for your senior living community. Today, we’re getting into common mistakes to avoid when developing buyer personas.  Don’t skimp on the investment.  Developing effective buyer personas takes work. And it can be challenging for people approving budgets to […]

Senior Living Marketing Agencies: 10 Ways We’re Different

This year, we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary. Surviving a decade in any business, but especially in the ultra-competitive world of marketing, is no easy feat, so we thought it would be fitting to highlight 10 ways we’re different from other senior living marketing agencies.  Below, you’ll find what makes us special, what makes us tick, […]

Marketing to Boomers: 4 Hot Tips

If you’re a senior living marketer and you haven’t created a strategy for marketing to boomers, you better hop to it—and quickly. Below are four hot tips to keep in mind.  Develop different marketing strategies for Boomers I and Boomers II. Say what? Yes, you need to think of Baby Boomers in two distinct categories—and […]