Entries by Andrea Catizone

Understanding Sales and Marketing Transparency in Senior Living

Senior living has a unique problem when it comes to online digital marketing. Third parties are ranking organically on your community’s “keywords.” This tactic helps them funnel high-intent visitors into their marketing funnels rather than yours. But there is something you can do. We will walk you through the problem and introduce ways in which you can take back control of your brand online, leading to more organic lead volume, lower third-party marketing costs, and a better consumer brand discovery for your communities.

Using Data to Uncover New Possibilities in Senior Living Webinar

Senior living has a unique problem when it comes to online digital marketing. Third parties are ranking organically on your community’s “keywords.” This tactic helps them funnel high-intent visitors into their marketing funnels rather than yours. But there is something you can do. We will walk you through the problem and introduce ways in which you can take back control of your brand online, leading to more organic lead volume, lower third-party marketing costs, and a better consumer brand discovery for your communities.

[WEBINAR] Senior Living Websites: Attract, Engage & Nurture Prospects

Lead nurturing is the purposeful process of engaging a defined target group by providing relevant information at each stage of the buyer’s journey. You want to actively move the prospects you’ve created through your marketing and lead generation efforts, to the point where they become leads. We will discuss some tactics on how to nurture leads including targeted content, multi-channel nurturing, multiple touches, timely follow-ups, and personalization.