Your senior living website is your virtual front door to your community. More people will visit your site than will ever walk through your physical front doors.
Getting found
How (and if) your site gets found will depend on a variety of factors, primarily whether . . .
- Your site has been optimized for organic search using a combination of keyword types—core keywords, location-specific keywords, and long-tail keywords.
- You’ve claimed your Google My Business listing.
- You’ve claimed business listings on popular/relevant sites that rank well (like
- You’re using paid search strategically to complement and even boost organic efforts.
In the “old” days of content marketing (fifteen years ago), it was enough to simply focus on core keywords and optimize your site accordingly. Today, you need to take a much different approach to keyword research and optimization—an approach that needs to remain nimble since what works today might not work so well a year from now.
Getting visitors to explore
Getting people to your site is the first step. Great keyword optimization lures them in. But a stellar website experience is what gets them to stay and explore.
Today’s websites need to wow—but not just visually. The entire experience from start to finish needs to be satisfying.
For example . . .
- When someone lands on your site, no matter what page they enter on, will they be able to easily find what they’re looking for, thanks to clear navigation? (Sure, many people will enter via your homepage, but not everyone.)
- Does your website look great across devices—phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops?
- Does your site offer a variety of content types for different learners—short blog posts, longer guides, videos for people who prefer viewing to reading, and interactive tools that make exploring your site fun, not a chore?
You must provide an excellent experience from top to bottom. And at the heart of this experience will be compelling content. While great design and navigation do matter, people might be willing to forgive a mediocre layout as long as the content delivers. But rarely is the reverse true.
Getting visitors to act
Why bother attracting all these fabulous visitors to your site if they end up leaving without taking any action? The main goal of your site is to inspire the website visitor—no matter where they are in their journey—to take the next step that’s right for them.
Excellent content will help drive these “conversions.” For example, if someone is in the very early stages of thinking about senior living, you might offer them a guide with financial planning tips. On the other hand, someone further along in the decision-making process might like downloading a checklist called “How to get the most out of your tours at senior living communities.”
For each piece of premium content (more on this below), you’d simply request some info (name, email, etc.) from the person in exchange for the goods. And presto! The site visitor converts into a bona fide lead. From there, you can score the lead as a marketing-qualified lead (MQL) or sales-qualified lead (SQL). Or if you have marketing automation set up, it can do the lead scoring for you.
Scoring leads as MQLs and SQLs is an important element in a successful content marketing strategy. Why? Because how you score the lead will determine what happens next.
Getting visitors to come back
With marketing-qualified leads, you’ve identified that the person is likely the right fit for your community. They match your buyer personas, but they’re in the earlier stages of the buying process. In other words, they’re not ready for a sales call quite yet.
So, with these leads, the goal is to nurture them by inviting them back to explore other areas of your site. Perhaps you invite them to take an interactive quiz or survey. Or maybe you offer another piece of excellent content related to the interests they’ve already expressed interest in on your site. Again, this is where enticing content comes into play—both in the lead nurturing emails themselves and in the deeper content on your site.