Senior Living Marketing Perspectives: The Power of Outreach

Episode Summary:

In this episode of Senior Living Marketing Perspectives, Debbie Howard of Senior Living SMART engages in a thoughtful conversation with Michael Moye, Senior Account Executive at WelcomeHome. The episode dives into the often overlooked but critical role of grassroots marketing and professional outreach in building and sustaining relationships within the senior living industry. Michael shares his experiences from the community level, emphasizing the importance of relationship-building and how it directly impacts occupancy rates and length of stay.

Topics Discussed and Key Points: 

  • Embracing Grassroots Marketing:  Michael and Debbie discuss the significance of grassroots marketing as a cost-effective and high-impact strategy. This method, often underestimated, requires time, creativity, and a genuine commitment to building relationships with local professionals.
  • Business-to-Business Mindset:  The conversation highlights the importance of shifting from a business-to-consumer approach to a business-to-business mindset. This shift allows community relations directors to foster meaningful connections with referral partners, ultimately driving greater success in resident placements.
  • The Value of Being Present: Michael shares his experiences from his days at the community level, where being physically present and actively engaging with local professionals led to increased referrals and stabilized occupancy. He emphasizes the need for sales teams to step out of their comfort zones and meet potential referral partners face-to-face.
  • Building Trust Through Outreach: Trust is a recurring theme in this episode, with both Debbie and Michael stressing its importance in the referral process. They explore how consistent and genuine outreach efforts can build trust with referral partners, leading to long-term relationships that benefit both parties.
  • Strategic Planning and Execution: Debbie and Michael discuss the importance of having a strategic plan for outreach while also being flexible and adaptable. They share practical tips on how to efficiently manage time and resources to maximize the impact of outreach efforts.
  • The Role of Regional Directors in Outreach:  The episode highlights the role regional directors can play in supporting community relations directors in their outreach efforts. By modeling effective outreach techniques and accompanying CRDs on visits, regional directors can help foster a culture of proactive relationship-building within their teams.
